When you have teeth missing in your smile, it is vital to get them replaced. When teeth are not replaced, it can lead to long-term dental health problems and everyday functional issues such as problems with speech or chewing. Individuals in Napier, New Zealand, have been trusting the talented team at Dentiq Dental. At Dentiq Dental, Dr. Sundar and Associates will go over available tooth replacement options to determine what solution works best for your situation. One such treatment they promote is partial dentures, stabilised in your mouth through natural suction or dental implants.
When you have missing teeth, several dental health problems can begin to surface. In the gaps where there are missing teeth, your remaining natural teeth can start to shift into this gap, resulting in teeth that are entirely out of their correct position. Your ability to properly chew food can also be affected. Food that is not adequately chewed can result in difficult digestion, and you may not get all the nutrients from your food.
There is also more surface area along the gums and teeth on either side of gaps for bacteria to gather and wreak havoc. Replacing missing teeth with partial dentures can help prevent these issues from occurring.
When looking at all possible tooth replacement options (including dental implants, a dental bridge, or partial dentures), partial dentures compare very well when looking at cost. Partial dentures are cost-effective and are usually going to be your quickest option as well. Depending on your situation, you could receive your partial denture appliance on the same day as your dental visit, while other tooth replacement procedures can leave you with gaps in your smile for weeks. Unlike implants, partial dentures require no surgical procedure, meaning no lengthy recovery period is needed for the patient.
If you are looking for the best path forward in replacing a missing tooth or teeth so that you have a complete and beautiful smile again, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Sundar and Associates in Napier at Dentiq Dental. To schedule an appointment, please call 06 880 6161 today!