Consider Safe Amalgam Removal with a SMART-Certified dentist
For years, amalgam (silver-colored) fillings were the go-to treatment for cavities and minor dental decay. While metal fillings are excellent in cavity treatment, they pose safety concerns because of their high mercury content. Today, health-conscious patients are concerned about toxic materials in their mouths. So, if you have amalgam fillings in your mouth, you may contact Dentiq in Greenmeadows, Napier, for safe amalgam removal. Dr. Sundar Jagadeesan is trained to observe strict protocols when removing mercury fillings from the mouth.
The SMART amalgam removal procedure
Our doctors have been rigorously trained to use the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) protocol established by the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology). The SMART protocol ensures we safely remove amalgam fillings so that neither the patient, dental personnel, nor the environment is harmed during the procedure.
Our SMART-Certified dental team follows these safety precautions to minimize mercury vapor exposure during amalgam fillings removal:
- We examine your overall oral health and the condition of your fillings to determine any potential risks involved with removal
- Before the procedure, the patient and dental personnel must wear protective gear to minimize mercury exposure. We use a dental dam or isolation system for the patient to prevent inhalation or ingestion of mercury particles. The patient also wears a nose mask to avoid breathing in the mercury fumes. The dental personnel use gloves, gowns, head coverings, and masks to optimize safety
- We’ve equipped our office with proper ventilation systems to ensure that mercury vapors or particles are effectively removed from the air to reduce exposure
- Instead of drilling, we cut the amalgam fillings into large chunks to minimize vaporization. We use a high-speed vacuum and copious amounts of cold water to dilute the mercury fumes during this process. Furthermore, we use different suctions to collect saliva and amalgam pieces while filtering the room to eliminate mercury vapors in the air
- After removing the metal fillings, we flush the patient’s mouth with water before using a slurry of charcoal to rinse the mouth
- Then, we replace the mercury fillings with safe and biocompatible materials such as composite resin
- We follow strict procedures to handle, clean, and dispose of mercury-contaminated equipment and clothing
The IAOMT doesn’t recommend amalgam removal for pregnant women or those breastfeeding. As responsible dental practitioners, we strictly follow the rigorous IAOMT protocols and recommendations for a safe and effective outcome.
Mercury fillings removal near me
Worried about the potential toxicity of mercury fillings in your mouth? Schedule an appointment with Dentiq of Greenmeadows, Napier, by calling 06 880 6161.
Our team is experienced in SMART amalgam removal and is ready to make a health-defining difference for you. Take charge of your well-being today – visit us and experience our dental care firsthand!